I was locked all day in the summer heat,
In a small brown house in suburban streets.
This skateboard and, my shit guitar,
I'd dream all day that they would get me far.
It was near when I, turned sixteen.
Got kicked out of school, and so it seemed
That things were closing in, and ready to blow.
It took an hour to start a punk rock band,
To offset my fucked up family land.
Výňatek pochází z nové skladby AvA a to konkrétně ''Rite of Springs''. Jak už je u téhle skupiny zvykem stopáž přesahuje tříminutovou klasiku ála radio edit; přesněji řečeno píseň je dlouhá 4:22, což je takový AvA průměr... refrén je velmi povedený, má ten správný hook:
If I had a chance for another try,
I wouldn't change a thing.
This made me all of who I am inside.
And if I could I'd thank God, that I am here and that I am alive,
And everyday I wake, I tell myself a little harmless lie.
The whole wide world is mine.
I wouldn't change a thing.
This made me all of who I am inside.
And if I could I'd thank God, that I am here and that I am alive,
And everyday I wake, I tell myself a little harmless lie.
The whole wide world is mine.
Jen, aby to ale nepřehnali s tou náboženskou stránkou věci, jistě je jasné, že vliv 9/11 tu stále patrný je, nicméně všeho s mírou. Takové to ''se mnou dokážete cokoliv'' leze dost rychle na nervy. It took an hour to start a punk rock band....
Všechno se zdá jednoduché...
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