Sleduju Observe and Report, kde hraje Seth Rogen a docela si to užívá. No prostě mě jeden úsek natolik zaujal, že ho tady přepisuju z odposlechu, jedná se o část scény, kdy je Seth u pohovoru na psychiatrii (snaží se stát poldou) a na otázku proč se chce stát policistou odpovídá naprosto úžasným způsobem:
I have a dream, most nights. It starts on a playground, there’s kids, they’re swinging, laughing, there are dogs barking and butterflies swapping their little wings and then you hear a rumbling and over the horizon comes a black cloud and it’s made of cancer and pus and it starts sweeping over the playground and everyone starts screaming and clawing their eyes and pulling at their hair and saying: help what are we gonna do and you know what happens next? Out steps me wielding the biggest fucking shotgun you’ve ever seen in your life and you know what I do? I blow every fucking thing away and I am getting God’s work done and when it’s all over and the dust is settled the whole world gathers below me and they say thank you Ronnie, thank you for helping, you’re being a great man doing this for us and you know what I say? You don’t need to thank me, I’m just a guy with the gun, I’m just a cop.
Každopádně ten polobůh nekončí a po pár práskách cracku, trávě a něčem do žíly rozjíždí svou vlastní dark Batman fantasy:
I believe every man has a path laid up before him and my path is a righteous one for I have been chosen to be the protector and the destroyer. I live by a code, a code of my own invention, but a code nonetheless and I follow it to the fucking T. Danger lurks in the darkness ready to bounce and it’s my duty to face that danger and stare in its godless eyes. Nothing can hurt me. My body has become a weapon. I am an instrument of protection and justice. I’m a hammer in the right hand of all that is good.
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